Quality, labor and food safety, the environment, health and sustainability are an essential part of the corporate policy of Mervielde and Transport Van Heesvelde. We therefore work in accordance with the standards ISO 9001:2015, SQAS, ISO 22000, ISO 14001 and EFTCO-Food.


Quality is the cornerstone of our organization and proof of this is that our family business is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

ISO 9001 requires companies to describe, analyse, measure and continuously improve their processes. As a result, all stakeholders (everyone involved in the organization) better understand their role and how they individually contribute to the success of the company. The application of ISO 9001 increases internal quality awareness. By drawing up a fixed cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act, we at Mervielde keep our finger on the pulse. This is proof for you as a customer that we put quality first and guarantee excellent service.

Our tank cleaning complies with the ISO 22000 quality system. This quality standard focuses specifically on the cleaning of tankers intended for the transport of foodstuffs.

Download our certificates here:
ISO 9001:2015 Transport Mervielde
ISO 9001:2015 Transport Van Heesvelde
ISO 22000
FCA (OVOCOM) TRADE Transport Van Tricht


The safety of our employees and our organization is an absolute priority for us.

We offer our employees a working environment in which they can work carefree every day. The safety objectives are clearly described in our policy statement and go beyond the legal standards and the imposed customer requirements. Think of extra safety measures such as double walkways on tankers and ground-operated tankers.

In 2005, we were audited for the first time according to the SQAS guidelines for transport, tank cleaning and warehouse. Mervielde invests continuously in safety enhancing systems, such as the lane guard system, emergency brake system (EBA), blind spot detection and fall protection.

We have been participating voluntarily for several years in the 'Safe on the road' campaign, an organization of TLV in collaboration with a number of sponsors and companies from the transport sector. As part of this action, our drivers visit primary schools and provide theoretical and practical training to children on how to handle heavy vehicles in traffic.

Download our certificates here:
SQAS Transport Mervielde
SQAS Transport Van Heesvelde
SQAS Transport T.V.T.
SQAS Cleaning
SQAS Warehouse

Environment & health

In order to comply with environmental legislation, we have our own biological water purification installation for purifying the waste water from the tank cleaning.

Since 2003, we annually subscribe to the 'East Flanders Environmental Charter', which has been included in the Flemish Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship since 2015. Not only do we comply with all legal regulations, but as a company we also make continuous efforts that benefit our employees and the (living) environment. We also draw up an annual action plan that helps us as a company to evolve towards even more environmental friendliness. For example, we annually select the sustainable development goals that we want to work specifically on that year. In 2020 the company was awarded as SDG Pioneer (Sustainable Development Goals).

In 2015, we received the 'Lean & Green' award from the Flemish Institute for Logistics (VIL). We succeeded in reducing our CO2 emissions by at least 20% within a period of 5 years. Since then, we have continued to make efforts to limit our emissions, for example by installing solar panels and switching to electric vehicles.

In 2021 we obtained the ISO 14001 certificate by meeting the requirements of an environmental management system.

Download the following documents here:
Flemish Charter for Sustainbale Entrepreneurship
UNITAR - SDG Pioneer
ISO 14001 Transport Mervielde
ISO 14001 Transport Van Heesvelde