Transport in dedicated tankers
Transport Van Heesvelde was founed by Frans Van Heesvelde and taken over by Mervielde in 1996. Patrick Mervielde started as a driver, but eventually took over the management of the company and systematically expanded the client portfolio.
Transport Van Heesvelde provides transportation services using dedicated tankers for specific products, like for example high-temperature products.

One particular speciality of Transport Van Heesvelde is the transport of waste in tankers. Naturally, we have all the required permits and licences necessary for waste transportation in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and Germany.
Certificates of Transport Van Heesvelde can be found here.

How can we help you?
Do you have any questions or would you like more information? Contact us using the form below. We like to help you.
Transport Van Heesvelde NV
Monumentstraat 13
9940 Ertvelde – Rieme
Entry via Bombardementstraat
Tel: 0032/(0)9 341 96 80
Fax: 0032/(0)9 344 84 66